All the Kentucky Administrative Regulations (KAR) that deal with the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources (KDFWR) and the Tourism, Arts and Heritage (TAH) Cabinet are available at this link: KAR 301. In their simplest form, KAR changes are updates to the rules you find in our hunting and fishing guides. Those changes came from the work done in the Fish and Wildlife Committee Meetings, that were approved at the Fish and Wildlife Full Commission Meetings - you can find out more about that on this website at the F&W Commission tab. In their most complex form, KAR changes can be influenced by entities and stakeholders outside of Fish and Wildlife that carry strong political power and fund lobbyists to influence votes by legislators. Changes to these rules are often packaged to look simple, but require thoughtful consideration by the leadership of all the clubs, societies, foundations and groups in the sportsmen and women’s community.
To speak with the Commissioner of the KDFWR click here - Mr. Storm.
To speak to your District Commissioner - F&W Commissioners.
To speak with our KY-SCI leadership contact us on the bottom of this page - KY-SCI Leadership.